Mosquito Pest Control Service in Rochester, NY

First and foremost, we establish realistic expectations. Mosquitoes, inevitably, are a fact of life and no program will completely eliminate them all. With that said, our program will offer relief so you can enjoy your back yard without getting completely carried away!

Our approach to Mosquito Management, utilizing inspection, insect growth regulators and botanically derived insecticides, aligns with our commitment to Integrated Pest Management (IPM). It is an environmentally responsible, low impact program that addresses the nuisance and potential public health concern of mosquitoes and the dangers they pose such as West Nile, Encephalitis and Zika. Acceptable control can be achieved while posing reduced risk to our valuable pollinators like honey bees, bumble bees, butterflies as well as other non-target species.

Here’s What We Do:

Treatment and Inspections

  • Inspect your property for the root causes (breeding areas) outlined above
  • Make recommendations on fixing those issues to minimize breeding site
  • Flag your property boundaries that an application was made
  • Apply granular growth regulators to interrupt mosquito development to wet areas
  • Mist botanical materials to eliminate adult mosquitoes in bushes, trees, shrubs and other resting areas (flowering plants are avoided).
  • Leave service report outlining treatment and proofing recommendations

21 Day Maintenance Treatments

  • Flag your property boundaries that an application was made
  • Re-apply granular growth regulators needed
  • Mist botanical materials to eliminate adult mosquitoes in bushes, trees, shrubs and other resting areas (flowering plants are avoided).
  • Leave service report outlining treatment and proofing recommendation

What Can You Do?

Because mosquitoes can breed in small pools of standing water containing leaves or other debris, backyards can be the perfect habitat. Rain gutters, cups, cans, and birdbaths are prime breeding sites. When given a breeding site, mosquitoes will stay in the area. To reduce mosquito populations and the need for pesticides, you must regularly inspect your surroundings for potential breeding areas and disrupt these sites.

Prevent Mosquito Breeding

  • Dump out standing water from containers in the yard, including recycling bins with bottle caps and cans, tires, boats, and tarps.
  • Clean debris from rain gutters early in spring and check them regularly. If you are unable to clean them, ask your pest control technician. Clogged gutters account for many mosquitoes.
  • Clean, filter, and treat pools. Empty children’s pools and turn them over when not in use. Keep pool covers clean by propping them up to drain water.
  • Encourage natural enemies. For example, stock ornamental ponds with goldfish. Mosquitofish eat mosquito larvae. Dragonflies and damselflies are also mosquito predators.
  • Construct goldfish ponds properly. Large goldfish are unable to reach sloping edges of ponds where mosquitoes breed, so be sure your pond has vertical sides. A pond fountain will also reduce mosquito breeding.
  • Change the water in birdbaths and fountains twice a week.

Call us today at 585-328-0990 for your free consultation

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We offer 24/7 Emergency Service. If you have an immediate need, call us right away!